† student or mentee; * co-first author;       corresponding

  1. Sippel S., Kent E.C., Meinshausen N., Chan D., et al. (2024). Early-twentieth-century cold bias in ocean surface temperature observations. Nature . link, pdf, News.
  2. Chan D., Gebbie G., Huybers P., & Kent E. (2024). A Dynamically Consistent ENsemble of Temperature at the Earth surface since 1850 from the DCENT dataset. Scientific Data . link, pdf, data, code, News.
  3. Fan Y.†, Chan D., Zhang P., & Li L. (2024). Disagreement on the North Atlantic Cold Blob Formation Mechanisms among Climate Models. Journal of Climate . link.
  4. Wang C., Yang, W., Vecchi, G., Zhang, B., Soden, B. J., & Chan D.. (2024). Diagnosing the factors that contribute to the intermodel spread of climate feedback in CMIP6. Journal of Climate . link.
  5. Chan D., Gebbie G., & Huybers P. (2024). An improved ensemble of land-surface air temperatures since 1880 using revised pair-wise homogenization algorithms accounting for autocorrelation. Journal of Climate , 37(7), 2325-45. link, pdf, code & data
  6. Yin X., Huang B., Chan D., Graham G., Hu Z., & Zhang H. (2024). Sea-surface temperatures [in "State of the Climate in 2023"]. BAMS, 105(8), S163--S168. link
  7. Ridgen A., Golden C., Chan D., & Huyber P (2024). Climate change linked to ongoing drought in Southern Madagascar. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1), 1-9. link
  8. Chan D., Gebbie G., & Huybers P. (2023). Global and Regional Discrepancies between Early 20th Century Coastal Air and Sea-Surface Temperature Detected by a Coupled Energy-Balance Analysis. Journal of Climate, 34(9), 2205-20. link, pdf, code & data
  9. Bao X., Zhang S., Jiang G., Chan D., Hu Y., Wu H., Li H., Wang X., & Ynag T. (2023). Climate changes in the Cryogenian nonglacial epoch: A global synthesis with new findings from the Datangpo Formation in South China. Global and Planetary Change, 229, 104234. link
  10. Yin X., Huang B., Hu Z., Chan D., & Zhang H. (2023). Sea-surface temperatures [in "State of the Climate in 2022"]. BAMS, 104(9), S153--S156. link
  11. Chan D., Rigden A., Proctor J., Chan P., & Huybers P. (2022). Differences in Radiative Forcing, Not Sensitivity, Explain Differences in Summertime Land Temperature Variance Change Between CMIP5 and CMIP6. Earth's Future, 10(2), e2021EF002402. link, pdf
  12. Proctor J., Rigden A., Chan D., & Huybers P. (2022). Soil moisture measurements improve prediction of crop yields and reduce projected climate change damages. Nature Food, link
  13. Chan D., Vecchi G., Yang W., & Huybers P. (2021). Improved simulation of 19th- and 20th-century North Atlantic hurricane frequency after correcting historical sea surface temperatures. Science Advances, 7(26), eabg6931. link, pdf, code, data
  14. Chan D., & Huybers P. (2021). Correcting sea surface temperature observations removes World War II warm anomaly. Journal of Climate, 34(11), 4585-4602. link, pdf, code, data
  15. Chan D.. (2021). Combining statistical, physical, and historical evidence to improve historical sea surface temperature records. Harvard Data Science Review, 3(1). link, pdf
  16. Dai, C., Chan D.*, Huybers, P., & Pillai, N. (2021). Late 19th-Century Navigational Uncertainties and Their Influence on Sea Surface Temperature Estimates. Annuals of Applied Statistics 15(1): 22-40. link, pdf
  17. Chan D., & Huybers P. (2020). Systematic differences in bucket sea surface temperatures caused by misclassifications of engine room intake measurements. Journal of Climate, 33 (18): 7735–7753. link, pdf, code
  18. Chan D., Cobb A., Vargas L., Battisti D., & Huybers P. (2020) Summertime temperature variability increases with local warming in mid-latitude regions. Geophysical Research Letter, e2020GL087624. link, pdf, code & data
  19. Chan D., Zhang Y., Wu Q., & Dai X. (2020). Quantifying the dynamics of the interannual variabilities of the wintertime East Asian Jet Core. Climate Dynamics. 54(3), 2447-2463. link, pdf
  20. Chan D., Kent E., Berry D. & Huybers P. (2019). Correcting datasets leads to more homogeneous early 20th century sea surface warming. Nature , 571, 393-397. link, code, data, Harvard Gazette, NPR news
  21. Chan D. & Huybers P. (2019). Systematic differences in bucket sea surface temperature measurements amongst nations identified using a linear-mixed-effect method. Journal of Climate, 32(5), 2569-2589. link, pdf, code
  22. Chan, D., Wu, Q., Jiang, G., & Dai, X. (2016). Projected shifts in Köppen climate zones over China and their temporal evolution in CMIP5 multi-model simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 3(33), 283-293. link, pdf
  23. Hu, C., Wu, Q., Yang, S., Yao, Y., Chan, D., Li, Z., & Deng, K. (2016). A linkage observed between austral autumn Antarctic Oscillation and preceding Southern Ocean SST anomalies. Journal of Climate, 29(6), 2109-2122. link,
  24. Wu, Q., Cheng, L., Chan, D., Yao, Y., Hu, H., & Yao, Y. (2016). Suppressed mid-latitude summer atmospheric warming by Arctic sea ice loss during 1979 to 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6), 2792-2800. link,
  25. Chan, D., & Wu, Q. (2015). Significant anthropogenic-induced changes of climate classes since 1950. Scientific Reports. 5. 13487. Doi: 10.1038/srep13487. link, pdf, news
  26. Chan, D., & Wu, Q. (2015). Attributing Observed SST Trends and Sub-continental Land Warming to Anthropogenic Forcing during 1979 to 2005. Journal of Climate, 28, 3152-3170. link, pdf